Selena Kapadia


As a coach, by focusing on a growth mindset, Selena has helped her clients achieve their goals, overcome hurdles and be the best form of themselves. She understands as humans we are fallible, but the key is to build confidence, clarity and determination to find ways to overcome anything which holds us back or something we cannot master. Selena has trained in neurolinguistic programming, and she has found this a very useful tool when creating plans with clients to not only set and achieve goals, to support individual and career advancement, but also to structure their thinking and to communicate verbally and non-verbally with impact. Selena’s coaching style is a quietly determined one, she will champion and support her clients. She is calm, practical and open and with this style, she will tackle the barriers her clients face head-on, and always with a smile and positivity.

Selena is a highly skilled consultant specialising in assessment and development with over 21 years of experience. A Chartered Occupational Psychologist, coach, assessor, change agent and facilitator, Selena has a proven track record in a wide range of industries and the public and private sector.

Selena’s experience started in the clinical field at the Priory Hospital, and she then moved on to the Cabinet Office before entering the corporate realm. She has worked with different levels including graduates to top-tier managers. Through this journey, she developed a strong passion for helping others to give and be the best they can in life. Imparting her knowledge and experience to not only maximise performance but also protect wellbeing and happiness both in life and in the workplace. In our forever demanding lives, the boundaries between work and home have become blurred, and so she believes it is always important to remember we are not machines, assets or commodities.

Outside of work, Selena enjoys learning new skills, doing things she didn’t have an opportunity to learn when she was younger. Having that zest for life. She loves to discover the world, different cultures, ways of thinking and doing things. Additionally, our cyber world has a huge hold over us, and thus she keeps up to date with key research, influencers and general global trends. She is incredibly passionate about leading a healthy and fit lifestyle. She is committed to training hard at the gym, challenging herself, being accountable and raising the bar each time. She also values switching her mind and body off through relaxation. Eating well and nutrition are key. To her, life is all about balance.